In this opportunity, we want to offer you a different plan to do when you visit Panama. In this case, we will tell you the best things to do in the Las Perlas archipelago in Panama. The Pearl Archipelago consists of more than 200 islands and islets, mostly uninhabited, off the Pacific coast of the Gulf of Panama. Las favoritas de los turistas incluyen la Isla Contadora, con más de 13 playas, y la Isla Saboga. En un viaje a las islas de las Perlas encontrarás hermosas playas de arena blanca, oportunidades para bucear y avistar ballenas, así como una naturaleza y vida marina bien conservadas.
Visit Contadora Island.

The island has not lost its natural beauty, which is still impressive. Turquoise and crystal clear waters, coral reefs, white-sand beaches. Nothing to envy about the best in the Caribbean.
The ghostly property of the hotel, its ruins, and its abandonment give a slap in the face to those who arrive, which is inevitable. Abandoned houses throughout the island are also frightening.
The island can be explored ideally on foot or in rented golf carts. Crossed from end to end by the length of the landing strip, spectacular beaches follow one another on both sides.
There are fishing trips, whale enlistment in season, or visits to the islands. They can be done with the boats of local fishers who offer these services. You also have the option to rent a fishing boat and take a tour of the other nearby islands and islets.
Also, and more at this time, you can watch Humpback Whales every year between June and November off the coast of Panama, and specifically within the Las Perlas Archipelago, you can see this moving spectacle. Humpback whales migrate from the North and South Poles to Panama to mate, give birth and teach their young to swim in these warm waters.
Visit Saboga Island

While Contadora has become a tourist destination, Saboga remains a quiet island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, to which very few visitors come.
Saboga has an authentic atmosphere and the possibility of getting closer to the locals. Here you will only find the children of the town who play around the church. You will athe fishermen who fix their boats and a handful of colorful houses.
In the vicinity of the town, you can also enjoy one of the island’s secluded beaches, such as Playa Grande.
Little by little Saboga is gaining more prominence as a destination in Las Perlas thanks to hotels like Saboga Lodge or Villa Noelia. Saboga Lodge is a small hotel with six rooms, where they have managed to integrate a modern and bohemian design with the tropical look of the island, respecting the nature that surrounds them at all times.
Unlike Contadora Island, where you may have the need to visit other islands, in Saboga it has been different. There are a large number of beaches where you will not find anyone, the occasional path and of course, the Saboga Lodge pool.
How can I get to the island?

Go Fast Panama is a company dedicated to taking passengers from the city to the island. In this way, you can get the tickets from here to move from one place to another without problems. It is a very good service that will take you and bring you back.
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